Thursday, March 4, 2010

How stressful is the job Kita

Cologne - Every day from 7.30 open until 16.30 clock. 60 children, including 21 with a disability. 52 Pänz with immigrant backgrounds. Always two alert eyes and ears everywhere.
Educators in day care have really a lot to do - and therefore go on strike for more money and better conditions.
EXPRESS shows the pressure of professional life on the example of the integrative care center in Chorweiler.
To cope with the daily running, it needs a clear structure and a timetable. In the Kita "Willi Suth-Allee 23" by director Jutta Piepenbring (59), there are thus three shifts.
Piepenbring: "I spend three-quarters of the time with organizational work, write reports and development reports, parents lead discussions, organize tours and much more." Period, which was supposed to be there for the children.
For Pänz demanding their right to attention. In general, two teachers supervise every 15 children in four groups. In almost every group at least one individual case management is needed - which leads to physical stress.
"It's not just the constant stooping," says Piepenbring. "We raise the children often high, especially those who need to be wrapped."
The noise level in the same kindergarten at peak one jet engine startup - this may even lead to tinnitus. Even the chairs on which sit the educators are far too low. Miranda Becker (38) does not get her legs under the craft table, sitting askew hours. Many educators therefore suffer back problems.
Language support for migrant children is very important. In Chorweiler Fortunately, there are two speech therapists. But that was the exception means es.Jeden day long but eat all 60 kindergarten children here for lunch.
Piepenbring: "In addition to the preparation we need to clean up the kitchen and flush: good 1000 parts per week. We urgently need a budget power. "
Although they like to do their job - in the evening, all professionals are completely flat and drained.
Also of interest
Hotline for emergency day care centers