Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's going on with Klopp and FC?

Cologne - In eleven weeks, the season is over. And 1 FC Cologne has paralyzed. The uncertain future of sports has been placed as a mist over the Geißbockheim. Until the rise of issue is not resolved, the FC can not act bosses.
 Would at least clarify the coaches question. But Christoph Daum is still hesitating. Decided is that his mission is completed in a Nichtaufstieg. But what happens if the FC actually creates a return to the elite league?
 Always stubborn makes the rumor spreading that would leave even in this case the thumb Cologne. This, for example, reported on Monday the soccer magazine kicker.
EXPRESS hooked after the 54-year-olds. "Is the decision already been made that you will not see their future at FC?" "Nothing is clear," protested vehemently thumb, "I do not know who said something like that. It all depends where they are going to FC for the journey. "
 The league is still speculation. Coach names are thrown into the round, when it comes to the FC. For example, by Jürgen Klopp!
Mainz manager Christian Heidel confirmed to the Express: "We know that is also a candidate in Cologne Jürgen Klopp." Oops, there running around with something Klopp? Or is it just hot air? FC manager Michael Meier: "There has been to date no contact with Jurgen Klopp, or any other coach, and there is no reason for it."
Daum remains calm. It calls for patience: "It's not about individuals, it comes to the FC. We must win the next game in Fuerth, to come into the league next to the front. Then we can sit down and talk about everything. "
Is it as much: If succeed in the climb, begins working for Daum started. He wants prospects to guarantee a successful operation even in League one. It's the same in Mainz. Klopp can wriggle his club.
But Heidel stays calm. "If there was indeed the case that Klopp went to Cologne, we would have to accept that. But that does not worry about us for unrest, we have clear agreements with our trainer. "