Thursday, March 18, 2010

After the holidays every 3rd vaccination

Berlin - It's vacation time. We enjoy the summer weather to go away.
Hardly anyone has more this nasty combination in mind: H1N1. It is precisely now the danger of a pig flu epidemic.
The breaking point: the return wave could be the flu. In southern countries, influenza spreads out faster. Even without the community Bucket Sangria. On vacation, we simply have more and closer contact with other people. Giant dining rooms, full pool, narrow beds on the beach.
"There is a danger," said Kathrin Rebbe, spokeswoman for NRW-Minister of Health Laumann to EXPRESS. Just, there were cases of swine flu in tour groups returning from Majorca. Rebbe: "We appeal to the tourists to respect even more than usual on hygiene. And who does not feel good, should not go to the beach. "
Federal Health Minister Ulla Schmidt (SPD) announced on Wednesday in the largest vaccination campaign in 50 years. You should begin after the holidays, when the vaccine is available. But only one out of three times only to be protected.
Reason: The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan, on Wednesday lowered its hope that will be instantly available to everyone enough serum. Although the vaccine is probably lying in front in August. It should also be vaccinated only those who belong to vulnerable groups.
This is in Germany, about one in three citizens: health care workers, police, fire departments and agencies for technical aid, and the chronically ill and pregnant women. They all preferred to be vaccinated. "The vaccinations will be voluntary," said Minister Schmidt. And they are paid by the funds.
The states have ordered 50 million doses of vaccine - enough for 25 million people. NRW gets 10 million doses.
There are currently about 100 000 people worldwide infected with the swine influenza virus A (H1N1), 429 patients have died. Every day, 20 additional and 50 new infections worldwide. The 834 cases in Germany, which ran 377 in North Rhine-Westphalia, previously unscathed.
But with the return wave and in the autumn and winter months is expected to rise in infections - parallel to the normal flu.
Incidentally, it is possible to receive flu vaccination against two types, said Dr. Susanne Stöcker from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, "the left arm, normal, right arm, a new flu."
Also of interest
Regular hand washing