Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pedestrian killed almost from disk

Dusseldorf --
Conny march is shocked: On Monday afternoon she had been murdered on the sidewalk, the Jülich road almost a falling pane of glass.
For years, the vacant former asylum home is obviously a latent danger. Now the owner wants to respond. The 25-year-old mother walked with her young son (5) on Monday morning toward kindergarten.
It was stormy, it was raining. "When we passed the empty house, already cracked the windows open and shut," says Conny march. "My son then said, in the afternoon but we go on the road." But in the work stress they forgot about it, ran past the house towards Hort. "And suddenly, it crashes right behind me! When I turn around, I see a broken sea.
I could be dead! "The storm had slammed the window on the third floor so vehemently that rausflog the disc. Conny march complains: "Time and again at night, homeless people get into the house. Then leave open the window. Here is a slice of time has fallen out, when is the next? "EXPRESS looks yesterday afternoon at the spot: The fragments are still lying there, half-destroyed the glass with sharp corners is still hanging in the frame.
Other windows rattle loudly yesterday. The police have Flatterband simple tense. "That does not hold, especially not children, angry at Conny Marsch.Nachfrage homeowners Albert Sevinc," to which I know nothing now. I will immediately take care of it. "The architect wants to build homes at this point.
"Next year will decide whether there is a demolition or reconstruction." Until then, however, the windows must be better secured. City spokesman Volker Paulat: "We have sent out an employee, he should look at it."