Friday, March 12, 2010

Denis (18): Mercedes raced into his room

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Dusseldorf - disbelief is Denis Marinkovic outside his room and shakes his head. A few minutes earlier had happened something intangible.
A Mercedes driver is through the houses front on the Aachener Straße 194 hurtled into the room of 18-year-olds, has caused 50,000 euros damage.
It's a miracle that no one has hurt. "I do not want to imagine what would have happened if I would have stopped me in my room. I really had a guardian angel, "breathed Denis after the horror crash. His room is completely destroyed. "I lost everything," he said, and added a little smile, "I'd like a car, but not on this path."
The fact that he has kept his life, he owed to the TV in the living room. Because he really wanted to work in his room on the computer. "But I've decided to look a little into the telly," recounted the 18-year-old.
"I had barely made it comfortable to me, there was a loud bang. I felt a draft and saw a huge cloud of dust coming from my room. When I opened the door a crack, then I saw a man who tried to get out of his car. He was in shock, but was luckily unhurt. I immediately informed my parents and told them that a car is in our apartment. "
The 55-year-old Mercedes driver, who was taken to be cautious in the university clinic, could not explain his spectacular accident. "I really wanted to turn into the mountain road and I'm straight Uhlen drove off. All at once I landed in the front window, "described Gus tav S. Neuss from the police.
The crash was the third serious blow to family Marinkovic in three years. "First Cousin of my wife was killed in a car accident in December 2008 tore the aorta of the cousins. And now, "says Father Dusan Marinkovic. This time there was indeed a happy ending.
"But we had it. My wife wants to move as quickly as possible. We are looking for a new apartment, but need only time to process the accident. "
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