Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's going on with Klopp and FC?

Cologne - In eleven weeks, the season is over. And 1 FC Cologne has paralyzed. The uncertain future of sports has been placed as a mist over the Geißbockheim. Until the rise of issue is not resolved, the FC can not act bosses.
 Would at least clarify the coaches question. But Christoph Daum is still hesitating. Decided is that his mission is completed in a Nichtaufstieg. But what happens if the FC actually creates a return to the elite league?
 Always stubborn makes the rumor spreading that would leave even in this case the thumb Cologne. This, for example, reported on Monday the soccer magazine kicker.
EXPRESS hooked after the 54-year-olds. "Is the decision already been made that you will not see their future at FC?" "Nothing is clear," protested vehemently thumb, "I do not know who said something like that. It all depends where they are going to FC for the journey. "
 The league is still speculation. Coach names are thrown into the round, when it comes to the FC. For example, by Jürgen Klopp!
Mainz manager Christian Heidel confirmed to the Express: "We know that is also a candidate in Cologne Jürgen Klopp." Oops, there running around with something Klopp? Or is it just hot air? FC manager Michael Meier: "There has been to date no contact with Jurgen Klopp, or any other coach, and there is no reason for it."
Daum remains calm. It calls for patience: "It's not about individuals, it comes to the FC. We must win the next game in Fuerth, to come into the league next to the front. Then we can sit down and talk about everything. "
Is it as much: If succeed in the climb, begins working for Daum started. He wants prospects to guarantee a successful operation even in League one. It's the same in Mainz. Klopp can wriggle his club.
But Heidel stays calm. "If there was indeed the case that Klopp went to Cologne, we would have to accept that. But that does not worry about us for unrest, we have clear agreements with our trainer. "

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fortuna Ralf Schumacher

Dusseldorf - More than 25,000 spectators are on 19 April against Union Berlin in the LTU Arena coming.
The working group intends to establish a new fan work Drittliga-record crowd. But at the same time, the DTM presentation on the Kings - will be launched with 150,000 viewers. Ralf Schumacher makes the Fortune competition.
While the team on Monday after the miserable performance against Stuttgart (1:1), surprisingly, could still enjoy a free day, rushed Fortuna fans in the work.
Now begins the critical phase of the project, "25,000 +". "We want to break the attendance record against Union Berlin, for the Third Division," says co-organizer Thomas hunger. "And we want the team to support in the fight for promotion."
It makes them Ralf Schumacher competition. The former Formula 1 superstar also guest appearances on 19 April with the DTM (German Touring Car Masters) for presentation at the Kö. To the 150,000 spectators are expected. "That makes us even worried," says Tim Haberland the AK fan work.
"If I'm honest, I am hoping for rain." To attract, despite the DTM party to have enough people into the stadium, the fans, 70,000 flyers, 3,000 and 100 A1-A3 posters printed. Be distributed starting immediately.
An alternative to large advertising campaign, there is not. "We have asked for the transfer of the game on Saturday away," said police spokesman Mark Niesczery. On 18 There is a demo russia German nationalists, on which militants have announced counterdemonstrators.
The Hundreds from the region are then bound to the parliament, can not cope with more use of football. Could help support the team. A victory in Offenbach on Saturday would be the best advertising. "Let's hope the best," says Thomas hunger.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

After the holidays every 3rd vaccination

Berlin - It's vacation time. We enjoy the summer weather to go away.
Hardly anyone has more this nasty combination in mind: H1N1. It is precisely now the danger of a pig flu epidemic.
The breaking point: the return wave could be the flu. In southern countries, influenza spreads out faster. Even without the community Bucket Sangria. On vacation, we simply have more and closer contact with other people. Giant dining rooms, full pool, narrow beds on the beach.
"There is a danger," said Kathrin Rebbe, spokeswoman for NRW-Minister of Health Laumann to EXPRESS. Just, there were cases of swine flu in tour groups returning from Majorca. Rebbe: "We appeal to the tourists to respect even more than usual on hygiene. And who does not feel good, should not go to the beach. "
Federal Health Minister Ulla Schmidt (SPD) announced on Wednesday in the largest vaccination campaign in 50 years. You should begin after the holidays, when the vaccine is available. But only one out of three times only to be protected.
Reason: The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Margaret Chan, on Wednesday lowered its hope that will be instantly available to everyone enough serum. Although the vaccine is probably lying in front in August. It should also be vaccinated only those who belong to vulnerable groups.
This is in Germany, about one in three citizens: health care workers, police, fire departments and agencies for technical aid, and the chronically ill and pregnant women. They all preferred to be vaccinated. "The vaccinations will be voluntary," said Minister Schmidt. And they are paid by the funds.
The states have ordered 50 million doses of vaccine - enough for 25 million people. NRW gets 10 million doses.
There are currently about 100 000 people worldwide infected with the swine influenza virus A (H1N1), 429 patients have died. Every day, 20 additional and 50 new infections worldwide. The 834 cases in Germany, which ran 377 in North Rhine-Westphalia, previously unscathed.
But with the return wave and in the autumn and winter months is expected to rise in infections - parallel to the normal flu.
Incidentally, it is possible to receive flu vaccination against two types, said Dr. Susanne Stöcker from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, "the left arm, normal, right arm, a new flu."
Also of interest
Regular hand washing

Friday, March 12, 2010

Denis (18): Mercedes raced into his room

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Dusseldorf - disbelief is Denis Marinkovic outside his room and shakes his head. A few minutes earlier had happened something intangible.
A Mercedes driver is through the houses front on the Aachener Straße 194 hurtled into the room of 18-year-olds, has caused 50,000 euros damage.
It's a miracle that no one has hurt. "I do not want to imagine what would have happened if I would have stopped me in my room. I really had a guardian angel, "breathed Denis after the horror crash. His room is completely destroyed. "I lost everything," he said, and added a little smile, "I'd like a car, but not on this path."
The fact that he has kept his life, he owed to the TV in the living room. Because he really wanted to work in his room on the computer. "But I've decided to look a little into the telly," recounted the 18-year-old.
"I had barely made it comfortable to me, there was a loud bang. I felt a draft and saw a huge cloud of dust coming from my room. When I opened the door a crack, then I saw a man who tried to get out of his car. He was in shock, but was luckily unhurt. I immediately informed my parents and told them that a car is in our apartment. "
The 55-year-old Mercedes driver, who was taken to be cautious in the university clinic, could not explain his spectacular accident. "I really wanted to turn into the mountain road and I'm straight Uhlen drove off. All at once I landed in the front window, "described Gus tav S. Neuss from the police.
The crash was the third serious blow to family Marinkovic in three years. "First Cousin of my wife was killed in a car accident in December 2008 tore the aorta of the cousins. And now, "says Father Dusan Marinkovic. This time there was indeed a happy ending.
"But we had it. My wife wants to move as quickly as possible. We are looking for a new apartment, but need only time to process the accident. "
Also of interest
Photos of stark park accidents

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sarah Palin: Obama is a terrorist friend

Washington - The impact rate increases will be: The Republicans sharpen their attacks on the demokratischenKandidaten Barack Obama.
Sarah Palin, republikanischeVizepräsidenten-candidate accused him of having been connected with Terroristenin contact. Obama sees "America seems to alsderart defective, that he has consorted with terrorists, diees disregard for their own country would," Palin told nachMedienberichten at a campaign rally on Saturday inEnglewood (Colorado).
She was referring to einenArtikel the New York Times, in which the acquaintance Obamasmit Bill Ayers, the founder of the Weathermen - a left terrorist group that should have done in the 60 years of attacks on U.S. government buildings - had been reported.
In allusion to accusations regarding her own newspaper readings Palin said: "I think there is a großesInteresse about what I read." In the Saturday edition of the New York Times "They have now read with interest about" Barack's friends from Chicago "and that" one of the earliest supporters "of the black presidential candidate a" domestic terrorist "was. "Dassind same people who think that patriotism means Zahlenhöherer taxes", said the next governor of Alaska.
Obama's campaign team called Palin's remarks as "offensive." Nevertheless, they were not surprising, since derdemokratische Palin and presidential candidate John McCain wanted to divert damitoffensichtlich by the financial crisis. "It is clear that John McCain and Sarah Palin to spend their time tearing my dear, Barack Obama, as a plan to set up our Wirtschaftvorzulegen" said Obama campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan.
According to the New York Times "are Obama and Ayers, who lived in Chicago imselben district, although several zusammengetroffen.Dabei it had gone primarily to urban education projects. The black senator has never expressed sympathy for the actions or radikalenAnsichten Ayers. Instead, Obama has about ihngesagt that he was someone "who had to do abscheulichenTaten 40 years ago, when I was eight (it was years old). Ayers teaches heuteals professor of education at the University of vonChicago. 1974 allegations of sedition and conspiracy were dropped gegenihn.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How stressful is the job Kita

Cologne - Every day from 7.30 open until 16.30 clock. 60 children, including 21 with a disability. 52 Pänz with immigrant backgrounds. Always two alert eyes and ears everywhere.
Educators in day care have really a lot to do - and therefore go on strike for more money and better conditions.
EXPRESS shows the pressure of professional life on the example of the integrative care center in Chorweiler.
To cope with the daily running, it needs a clear structure and a timetable. In the Kita "Willi Suth-Allee 23" by director Jutta Piepenbring (59), there are thus three shifts.
Piepenbring: "I spend three-quarters of the time with organizational work, write reports and development reports, parents lead discussions, organize tours and much more." Period, which was supposed to be there for the children.
For Pänz demanding their right to attention. In general, two teachers supervise every 15 children in four groups. In almost every group at least one individual case management is needed - which leads to physical stress.
"It's not just the constant stooping," says Piepenbring. "We raise the children often high, especially those who need to be wrapped."
The noise level in the same kindergarten at peak one jet engine startup - this may even lead to tinnitus. Even the chairs on which sit the educators are far too low. Miranda Becker (38) does not get her legs under the craft table, sitting askew hours. Many educators therefore suffer back problems.
Language support for migrant children is very important. In Chorweiler Fortunately, there are two speech therapists. But that was the exception means es.Jeden day long but eat all 60 kindergarten children here for lunch.
Piepenbring: "In addition to the preparation we need to clean up the kitchen and flush: good 1000 parts per week. We urgently need a budget power. "
Although they like to do their job - in the evening, all professionals are completely flat and drained.
Also of interest
Hotline for emergency day care centers