Friday, May 21, 2010

Nemas dad good luck

Cologne - In addition to rescuers Faryd Mondragon, he was one of the few bright spots in the Cologne game. Nemanja Vucicevic (29) left off and at least flashes of something Torgefahr.
The Serb, who is fighting for a new contract with FC, put it in right midfield, the second good game back in series. "But that's not long enough. If I could confirm my performance more than ten games, I would be happy. But so far I am not yet, "Nema said self-critically.
Support he receives these days from his family. According to mother, Ana (she spent three weeks with him) came to visit him now Father Velimir from Belgrade and was lucky charms in the passable performance.
On Monday evening comes Vucicevic Senior (himself was an amateur football) even with the FC-carnival meeting. If Nema accruing next Saturday while at his old home in Munich, he looks back on TV zu.Gut possible that Vucicevic then the 4-2-3-1 system to the position behind the strikers slips. Because with two strikers it is FC-Coach Daum at record champions probably try almost ...